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  • Translations : Hibonit, Hibonita, Хибонит, 黑铝钙石
  • Etymology : From the name of the French prospector Paul Hibon, at the origin of the discovery.

The 0.23g crystal was cut into a 0.39ct gem. The 0.71g crystal (the purest of the two) was left as is.
These two stones were then the only two pieces of gem quality known worldwide.
Since then some other gemstone quality crystals have appeared. They are extremely rare.

This rare mineral was previously known in Madagascar since 1955, in the form of black and opaque crystals.
It was also determined in meteorites.
At the end of 2009, two gemstone quality crystals of 0.23g and 0.71g, announced as discovered in Burma, were presented at the AIGS laboratory in Bangkok.

Le cristal de 0.23g a été taillé en une gemme de 0.39ct. Le cristal de 0.71g (le plus pur des deux) a été laissé tel quel.
Ces deux pierres étaient alors les deux seuls exemplaires de qualité gemme mondialement connus. Depuis quelques autres cristaux de qualité gemme sont apparus. Ils sont extrêmement rares.

Pour en savoir plus sur la minéralogie de l'Hibonite, voir>

Gemological data

  • Chemical formula : (Ca,Ce)(Al,Ti,Mg)12O19
  • Hardness (Mohs) : 7.5 - 8
  • Density : 3.83 - 3.85
  • Refractive index : nω = 1.807 nε = 1.790 n = 1.807
  • Birefingence : 0.017
  • Crystal system : Hexagonal
  • Group : Magnetoplumbite
  • Mineralogical Class : Oxydes

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