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  • Translations : Actinoliet, Actinolita, Actinote, Aktinoliitti, Aktinolita, Aktinolit, Aktinolith, Aktinolīts, Aktynolit, Актинолит, 緑閃石, אקטינוליט, 阳起石
  • Synonym : variety of Amphibole
  • Etymology : From the greek "aktis", = ray and from the greek "lithos" = stone, because of its fibrous and radiated appearance from its crystals.
  • Discovery: 1794 by Kirwan
  • Comment : Slowly soluble in HCl, hardly melts into a gray-green glass.

Named "actinote" by René Just Haüy.                                                                                                           It's a mineral very close to the tremolite because they have a similar chemical composition, but not in the same proportions. The Tremolite has more magnesium then iron in contrast to the actinolite.

Actinolite is the coloring element of green schist, as well as one of the components of nephrite jade. The green color is due to iron.

There is a  green-apple variety, in gem quality named smaragdite. The fibrous variety of actinolite corresponds to asbestos.

They can be found in fine green threads in quartz, in the form of inclusions.

To learn more about the mineralogy of the actinolite, see Mindat.ord

Gemological data

  • Chemical formula : Ca2(Mg,Fe+2)5Si8O22(OH)2.
  • Hardness (Mohs) : 5/6
  • Density : 3.1 to 3.3
  • Refractive index : 1.64 - 1.70
  • Birefingence : 0,025-0,027 ; biaxial negativ.
  • Crystal system : Monoclinic
  • Mineralogical Class : Inosilicates

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