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Garnet (Almandin)

Garnet (Almandin)
  • Translations : Almandine, Almandino, Almandien, Alabandina, Almandt, Almandino, Almandinas, Almandita, Almandin, 贵榴石, Альмандин
  • Synonym : Adelaide-rubin, Almandine, Almandite, Oriental garnet, Greenlandite
  • Etymology : Pliny the Elder, naturalist (23-79 after JC) named the garnet almandin "carbunculus" (in French: burning coal), in correlation with its most wide-spread color.

The almandin garnet is the common red garnet (of red with red-brown).
 It forms during the metamorphism in clayey sediments. It can also form in certain igneous rocks (péridotites and pegmatites).

To know more about the mineralogy of garnet almandin, see>


Gemological data

  • Chemical formula : Fe3Al2(SiO4)3
  • Hardness (Mohs) : 7 - 7.5
  • Density : 3.95 - 4.30
  • Refractive index : 1.75 - 1.83
  • Crystal system : Cubique
  • Group : Grenat
  • Mineralogical Class : Nesosilcates

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